Meet the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)-

Transport Research Centre (TRANSyT)

WP1 “Gap Analysis and State of the Art”

WP5 “Evaluation, Guidelines, and Ethical Impact”

WP6 “Communication, Dissemination, Replicability and Exploitation”


The Transport Research Center (TRANSyT), created by agreement of the Governing Board of the UPM on 19 December 2002, is a research and development center of the highest scientific and technological level. It is a multidisciplinary research center on mobility and transport, addressing its economic, social, environmental and spatial dimensions to provide innovative solutions to society; a reference Center in research and innovation in mobility, and a leader in knowledge generation.

TRANSyT has the following objectives:

  1. Explore, imagine and design the future of sustainable mobility.

  2. Generate leadership capacity and participation in cutting-edge research programs, projects and networks in the field of transport through a multidisciplinary team, linked to innovation and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

  3. Strengthen the relationship with other centers, national, European and the rest of the world, to promote the development of collaboration, knowledge and exchange networks within the area of knowledge of transport.

  4. Being a bridge between the University and different transport agents: public bodies, companies and other sectoral organisations, as well as students and citizens interested in the area.

  5. Support policies and decision-making.

  6. Consolidate our position as the best Spanish/European research centre in mobility and transport for a sustainable and decarbonised society.

  7. Increase the average level of excellence of our researchers and offer training programs of the highest quality.

  8. Become a pole for attracting talent for researchers and students interested in mobility and transport for a sustainable and decarbonised society.

  9. To be an engine of economic and social development in our environment.

  10. Consolidate the governance and management model and take it to the highest levels of efficiency.

Relevant Background & Expertise

Since its creation in 2002, Transyt-UPM has been involved in many European I+D+I projects related to transport and logistics. Given its multidisciplinary character as well as its consolidated transport experts network,  both at national and international level, Transyt’s contributions to the project will provide added value and contribute to achieving the expected results.

  • María Eugenia López-Lambas

    Associate Professor, Department of Transport Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning

  • Julio A. Soria-Lara

    Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Head of the Department of Transport Engineering, Urban & Regional Planning

  • Amor Ariza Àlvarez

    Assistant Professor of Urban and Regional Planning, Department of Transport Engineering, Urban and Regional Planning.

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