KEYSTONE: the app that will control cross-border transportation.

Screenshot of the news article published in Italian in the Logisticamente magazine on 10 October 2023.

Keystone, a project through which Cefriel is working together with several European partners, will simplify compliance checks for cross-border road freight transport through the creation of a digital ecosystem that can enable the secure and controlled exchange of freight transport information.
To combat climate change, the European Union has set a goal of increasing the safe, sustainable and free movement of goods.
The European Parliament enacted the "Fit for 55" in 2020, setting a target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent by 2030 compared to 1990 levels.
The consortium has prepared a short questionnaire to collect the needs and obstacles currently affecting cross-border controls carried out by the Regulatory Authorities.
The survey is anonymous (no personal data will be collected) and is open to all those who wish to remain informed and/or to participate concretely in project activities to target the results of the work in a timely and tangible manner.


More efficient logistics with "smart" executive authorities: the EU initiatives